Our Mission

To create a sense of balance and belonging through movement, breathwork, meditation, and community.

Our Core Values

Our personal wellbeing is not complete if we’re not considering the wellbeing of others.
All teachers - past, present, future - deserve respect, acknowledgement, and support.
When we slow down, we make better decisions, see clearly, and lead a more meaningful life
Yoga is for everyone. If you breathe, you can do yoga.
There’s no separation between a yoga practice and a practice of social justice.
Everyone needs space to sit, laugh, rest, and just be.

A message
from Laura

I’ve been dreaming up this studio for a long time. For years, I’ve imagined it just like this. Light-filled and tucked away from the daily rush. Intentionally designed from the inside out.

Samya is a product of all the people I’ve learned from and the spaces I’ve passed through over my 10 years of studying yoga. It’s reminiscent of my early days practising on the top floor of a San Francisco warehouse and the many years that followed diving deep into the roots of yoga.

Our classes are designed to move beyond āsana and take yoga off the mat. Our teachers are my own teachers - I’ve studied with and learned from them. The core principles of justice, equality, diversity, and inclusion are threaded into the fabric of the business - a homage to the Radical Darshan teacher training program.

But this space isn’t just mine. It’s ours. It will be forever shapeshifting to best serve the needs of our community as we grow and expand our collective consciousness.

Samya is a space for balance, joy, and belonging. It’s a reminder that each of us has all the wisdom we’ve ever needed within ourselves. And also - that we can’t do life alone. These practices can enrich our lives individually, but there’s a reason why we go to a studio to practice. We crave connection, we thrive and grow alongside each other, and we all have times of need.

Samya is my offering of community care - that I will take care of me for you, you will take care of you for me, and we will all take care of each other for each other. The delicate balance of our interconnectedness.

Get In touch

Our Teachers

Anna Fahy


Anna is an encouraging and supportive teacher. With a degree in philosophy, Anna always aims to convey the deeper aspects of the practice within her classes. While this might sound serious, Anna is a firm believer that a playful approach to practising better helps us to let go and connect to ourselves fully. She believes that part of the beauty of āsana is its ability to lead us toward balance - what we need fluctuates on a daily basis, so there will always be lots of options to scale up or scale down. Expect space for stillness, moments of challenge and hopefully, a little laughter.



"All that yoga asks of us is to breathe, feel and notice."




Bex Parker Smith


Known for her playful yet intelligent class style, Bex first found yoga while in recovery for OCD and an eating disorder. Through the practice, she began to recognise her body as her home and discovering the simple joy of mindful movement is what inspired Bex to take her first yoga teacher training in 2019. She has since completed over 500 hours of yogic study. Whether leading a dynamic flow or nourishing yin practice, Bex weaves philosophy, pranayama (breathwork), sankalpa (intention) and dhyana (meditative) practices alongside the asana (poses), to support you in awakening a deeper awareness of self.



"This being human is a guest house. - Rumi"




Claire Wilson


Claire began her yoga practice in 2013 following an injury and upon recognising the shift it was having on her own mental health, she was drawn to teaching. Since qualifying as a teacher in 2017, she has trained in Vinyasa, Mandala, Embodied and Tantric Flow, and she uses movement as a gateway into our body's innate wisdom and intelligence.

"Focus on the feeling."




Emma Tian Williamson


Emma is a qigong, mindfulness, and yoga teacher who believes that embodied practices are the antidote to the stresses of modern life. Passionate about sharing these tools, she guides others toward navigating the world with greater presence and ease. Growing up practising qigong with her mother, Emma developed a deep connection to its meditative and calming movements. Her classes blend Chinese philosophy, mindfulness, and somatic awareness, helping students connect with their inner wisdom of mind and body.

"Open to the richness of your present-moment experience."




Gina Sanchez lomba


Originally from Spain, Gina got certified as a classical pilates instructor after many years in the dance industry. It's from this background that she draws her understanding of the methodology. Her pilates classes blend low-impact and dynamic movements with a focus on subtle yet impactful actions to make you work on your strength and flexibility. To Gina, her time in the studio is all about movement and self-care. Her goal is to move you through exercises with a sense of grace, muscle lengthening, improved posture, and body sculpting. After class, you'll find yourself brimming with energy and a newfound lightness in your step.



"Use your breath to move you."




Laura Childs


Laura is a yoga and breathwork teacher offering classes grounded in intuition, creativity, and self-exploration. A native Californian, she began her journey as a yoga teacher in San Francisco. She's since trained in yin yoga, rocket yoga, and breathwork and completed her 300-hour RYT with Radical Darshan, with a focus on inclusivity, accessibility, and collective care. Her classes are creative and invitational and designed to build personal strength and confidence. Offering a buffet of variations, Laura encourages students to make their practice their own, meet themselves where they are and have some fun in the process. 



"Throughout it all, we breathe, and one day, we let go."



Curated playlists

Leila Sadeghee


Leila Sadeghee is a yoga and meditation teacher, energy worker, priestess, and ritualist. Class with her is a celebration of embodiment and wakeful, magical living. Come to develop a profound relationship with your body, learn about non-dual Tantra, become intimate with your honest-to-goodness needs, and practise self-care as collective care. Students are supported to engage their inherent intelligence in the most load-lightening ways. Movements are cued in a flowing sequence through traditional āsanas and invitations to find new ways to embody them. Her teaching reflects more than two decades of learning and teaching yoga, experiential anatomy, and spirituality. Leila is dedicated to dismantling systemic oppression as a spiritual practice. 



"Aim for the stars with your feet firmly planted on the Mother and enjoy your Self"

Energetically potent



Meg Shannen


Meet Meg Shannen, a seasoned yoga teacher who has shared her passion with over 20,000 people through teaching more than 2,000 classes. Her practice draws from vinyasa, rocket, yin, and pilates while integrating knowledge from Eastern Philosophies and traditions such as Yoga Sutras, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and engaged Buddhism. Meg's personal journey with yoga began at the age of 15, and she now aims to hold spaces that are both welcoming and challenging while offering a sense of peace through a balance of yang and yin.



"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. – Lao Tzu"




Nat Kunz


Nat is originally from from Vancouver, Canada and moved to London in October 2021. Movement has always been a part of her life as she began training in ballet at the young age of 2 and continued up until she was 18. While studying nutrition at university she developed a strong yoga and Pilates practice and then went on to take her Pilates certification. She has also trained in Lagree, Spin, The Class by Taryn Toomey, Barre, and Heartcore. Nat's classes exude a welcoming and genuine atmosphere, filled with heartfelt authenticity and invigorating challenges. Her classes are challenging but expect a fun playlist to help you through the burn.



"Take in what you need and leave out what you don’t."




Roberto Rubalcava


Born surrounded by light and colour in Mexico City, Roberto moved to London in 1998 and discovered his love for yoga. His extensive experience is varied by influences, which are displayed and explored in his classes. Whether you're upside down in a fast-paced dynamic flow or completely still in a restorative class, you'll be in attentive and caring hands. Expect a focus on body alignment, breath, mind, heart and energy with challenging and original sequences. 

"Happiness is the essence of life."


Judgement free


Tamara Hayes Elliott


Tamara’s yoga classes are a balance of strength and release, encouraging students to be playful in their experience and listen to what their bodies need in the moment. Her passion for movement flows through her teaching, where she guides creative, grounding and energetic classes for all levels. Focusing on body awareness, experimentation and alignment to guide students through a powerful moving meditation.



"A tranquil mind fosters respect for and appreciation of all people and all nature; herby we can understand the meaning of harmony. - Mari Fujimoto"



no expectations

Tamzin Jade


Tamzin Jade is a Black queer yoga teacher and dance artist based in London, and a graduate from London Contemporary Dance School (2016) who has expanded their study of movement and spirituality through yoga. They have completed multiple trainings, including a foundational 250-hour toga teacher training and Radical Darshan's 300-hour advanced training. Tamzin interweaves movement, intuitive, and indigenous wisdom into whole being experiences. She facilitates compassionate, inquisitive and playful explorations as a resource for joy and liberation. They endeavour to create work in reflection of their life experiences and spiritual healing journey.

"Stay still to keep moving. Keep moving to stay still."




Tiffany Hamilton-Atkins


Tiffany is a yoga and movement teacher, writer, poet and spiritual seeker. She is a dedicated student of the energetics of yoga - specifically learning how this modality can create soul-expanding change in our modern lives. Tiffany's classes use creative flows, with a strong focus on embodiment, to challenge, uplift and empower the practitioner in their practice.

"The body says what words cannot. - Martha Graham"

Creative sequences

Fluid movement


Veronique Ellis


Originally from sunny South Africa, Veronique's passion for Pilates stemmed from her professional Rhythmic Gymnastics and Dancing career, as she witnessed her own mind and body constantly evolving with her pilates practice. Veronique’s positive energy and zest for life filters through into her Dynamic Mat Pilates classes, as she aims to leave you feeling empowered and energised at the end of every session.



"Listen to your body and move in a way that feels good for you."




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